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- Contact Us | Global Friends of Afghanistan
Advisory Notice: We are sorry to inform you that we aren't directly involved with evacuations of Afghans and Americans in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Please find details for individual help from our partners. Click here اتصل بنا Contact Form First Name Last Name Email Write a message Submit Thanks for submitting! Advisory Notice: We are sorry to inform you that we aren't directly involved with evacuations of Afghans and Americans in Afghanistan and elsewhere. #AfghanEvac has created Tools and Resources for Afghans in Need (TRAIN) Click here for details. تشارك Global Friends of Afghanistan (GFA) مع A Voice for Two Nations ، وهي منصة للقصص التي تشترك في نفس الروح ، وتستكشف أطراف القتال ودمار الحرب ، والروابط العميقة بين شعب الولايات المتحدة وأفغانستان.
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